Worship & Christian Education
Worship, socialize and learn with us
- Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Our traditional service features scripture readings, thought-provoking sermons and special music from our adult choir and pianist. Our director of music and choir director is Dr. Du Huang, a music professor at Luther College. Large print hymnals and hearing amplification systems are available from the ushers. Or you may watch recorded services on our FUMC YouTube channel.
- Children are welcome at our worship service. Ask an usher for a children’s activity bag. An unattended nursery is available during the worship service.
- Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month. We believe that everyone should be welcomed at the Table. You don’t have to be a member of our congregation or a United Methodist. You just need to want to be closer to God! So, when we invite the congregation to come forward to receive communion, we mean you!
- Coffee Fellowship time: 10 a.m. in the lower level Fellowship Hall. Enjoy coffee and treats while getting to know others in our welcoming congregation.
- Christian Education: Adult forums and Bible studies are periodically offered at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Inspirational Music
Music is a vital part of worship at FUMC. Congregational singing, a worship tradition dating back to John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, brings the congregation together in one voice. The Adult Choir adds beautiful and inspirational music to worship services from September through May.