Contact/Visit Us

Phone: (563) 382-3835  Email:

Watch our worship service on Mediacom Channel 15, Sundays at 4 p.m. Or you may watch recorded services on our FUMC YouTube channel.

Facebook Live: Watch our live service at 9 a.m. on Sundays from our Facebook page, Decorah First UMC. 

Office hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. The church office is located just inside the Broadway Street entrance.

Pastor Catherine “Cat” Stokes

Rev. Cat Stokes

Mailing address: P.O. Box 221, Decorah, Iowa 52101-0221.

Address: 302 W. Broadway St., Decorah, Iowa 52101.
We are located at the corner of Court and Broadway, across the street from the Winneshiek County Courthouse in the historic Broadway Street district (see first photo, below).

Accessibility: The sanctuary door is located under the steeple at the corner of Court and Broadway, and has seven steps up to the main entrance (see second photo). The handicap entrance, and handicap parking is located further west on Broadway in the office addition (see third photo). That entrance has an electric door, and a small elevator located just inside the door to your right will take you and a companion to the lower level and Fellowship Hall. A chair lift provides access to the education wing. Accessible rest rooms are available on the main and lower levels.

Parking: The County Courthouse parking lot is located across the street, and street parking  is available along Broadway and Court Streets. Handicap parking is available on Broadway Street near the handicap entrance and in the alley behind the church.


Google Map:

Photo of church
Arched stained glass windows from the sanctuary along Court Street.View of the church on a winter night
View of our church on a December night.
Handicap entrance on West Broadway Street. The church office is located inside on the left.